Perspectives on Quantum Optimum-Path Forest

Midjourney (Generative AI)

Perspectives on Quantum Optimum-Path Forest

Lecture hall K001, OTH Regensburg
Galgenbergstrasse 32
93053 Regensburg

Online participation via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 890 5731 0924
Passcode: 127757
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Palm

Talk on quantum machine learning applications & networking with Prof. Dr. João Paulo Papa

More about Prof. Dr. João Paulo Papa

Prof. Dr. João Paulo Papa is Humboldt fellow and guest for three month at the ReMIC lab (Regensburg Medical Image Computing, Head: Prof. Dr. Palm) at OTH Regensburg as host institution.

Prof. Papa is full professor at the São Paulo State University (Unesp) in Brazil and has a strong background in Machine Learning.

He finished his PhD in Computer Science in 2008 with a work about Supervised Classification of Patterns using a Forest of Optimal Paths at State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. This was followed by Post-Doc positons at UNICAMP, Brasil and Harvard University, USA. Since 2016, he was appointed as professor at Unsesp, Brazil and head of the Recogna lab. In 2017 he received his first Capes/Humboldt fellowship visiting OTH Regensburg and the ReMIC lab for several months. Since 2017 he is president of the Brazilian Chapter of the International Assiciation of Pattern Recognition and since 2020, he is Chair of the IEEE Task Force for Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management.

He published a huge amount of scientific papers (h-Index: 59) with more than 12k citations. He received several awards like the Future Startup Award (2022), Honorable Mention at the Workshop Tests and Dissertations at Sibgrapi (2022), the Inventor Prize by the Innovation Agency at University of Campinas (2019), the Best Paper Award at the 2nd International Conference on Biosignal Analysis, Processing and Systems of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (2018) and the Best Paper published in Pattern Recognition (2014), to mention only a few of them. 

Get more insights into his impressive work at Google Scholar!
Prof. Dr. João Paulo Papa
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