About the RCAI
Fields of activity
The research groups at RCAI explore all facets of artificial intelligence - from computer vision & audition, prediction, pattern recognition, planning, control and generative AI to ethical, legal and social aspects.
The goal of every RCAI project is a real application for industry or society. Artificial intelligence is not an end in itself, but a solution to a specific problem or objective.
Knowledge transfer
Sharing knowledge is particularly important to us. The RCAI publishes research findings in publications and supports partners in cooperation projects or with individual trainings.
Kostenlose KI-Weiterbildung startet
Freie Plätze: Digitale Innovationswerkstatt des „Digital Innovation Hub Ostbayern“ (DInO) im Oktober und November
KI-Konferenz und Messe der AIR-Initiative am 09.10.2024 in Regensburg
Forschungsverbund BayWater
Neuer Forschungsverbund zur Entwicklung nachhaltiger Wasseraufbereitungstechnologien startet
AI, Vocational Education and Training
On September 9, practitioners gave insightful talks on AI skills and education for and in companies
KI in Regensburg im Fokus
Interview mit TVA Ostbayern: Einblicke in regionale KI-Aktivitäten aus Industrie und Wissenschaft
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mauerer wird Vorstandsmitglied im ITS Germany e.V.
Neue Kollaboration mit internationaler Tragweite